Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fosforus dan Flotila – Sajak Untuk Gaza !

Fosforus dan Flotila – Sajak Untuk Gaza !

Fosforus dan Flotila

Dunia menyaksikan sekali lagi
Kekejaman manusia yang tidak lagi rahsia
Bangsa dilaknat Allah dulu hingga kini
Kali ke berapa, siapa dan apa pun tak peduli
Nyawa manusia sudah tidak ditimbang atau di-kali
Merekalah Zionis yang wajar dilaknat kerana tiada hati.

Fosforus datang di udara Palestin umpama persembahan bunga api di udara
Cantik ibarat percikan cahaya sambutan awal tahun umat manusia
Tetapi seksa derita terkena Allah sahaja yang Maha Mengetahuinya
Kepedihan tidak terperi, mustahil diukir mata pena.

mangsa Fosforus

Kekejaman Zionis Yahudi makin menjadi jadi
Tidak sekadar kepungan bertahun tahun ke atas rakyat Palestin
Kini tembakan ganas ke atas flotilla misi aman
Yang sarat dengan bahan untuk hidup dan dinding sejuk malam
Hingga ada nyawa turut gugur dalam perjalanan
mujurnya ia mula menarik perhatian
umat dunia atas titisan darah mereka.

Derita Gaza, Palestin: Adakah Terasa Di Hatimu?

Bumi Palestin Yang Dijajah
“The Reality: Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000!”

Masihkah mendenyuti jantung hati
Masihkah mengaliri urat nadi
Masihkah membasahi minda aqli
Masihkah menghembusi nafas lahiri
Masihkah menghempasi ombak sanubari
Masihkah menderasi tasik rohani
Masihkah menusuki rasa naluri
Masihkah menyusupi rongga jasadi
Masihkah mengobori roh jihadi
Masihkah dijiwai ummah insani?

Masihkah di hati…?

Hannover, Jerman
5 Jun 2004, 1.43pm.


Gaza berhadapan dengan jenayah kemanusiaan! Itulah hakikat yang tidak dapat disangkal oleh sesiapapun kini.  Hakikatnya:

1) Sumber-sumber rejim Zionis melaporkan pada hari Selasa, 30 Disember 2008 bahawa tentera rejim Zionis telah menculik sekurang-kurangnya 200 lelaki muda penduduk Palestin daripada beberapa bahagian bandaraya Baitul Muqaddis sepanjang tempoh masa empat hari serangan bermula Sabtu, 28 Disember 2008 lalu yang telah membunuh lebih 363 rakyat Palestin dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari hari ke hari!.  Sumber berita dan info-info terkini, sila layari: http://www.palestinkini.info 

[I thought you might be interested in If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. You can fully view it at, http://ifamericansknew.org/. Israel is the real terrorist!]

Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Kanak-kanak Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah  
“Rakyat Palestin a.k.a. Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah!”

2) Umat Islam Palestin di Gaza khususnya yang ditimpa penyakit kronik tidak dapat keluar daripada Gaza bagi mendapatkan rawatan kerana larangan daripada pihak Israel.

3) Sumber kesihatan Palestin mengesahkan angka bilangan kematian yang tercatat sepanjang kepungan yang dibuat oleh Israel (nota: sebelum serangan dilakukan) seramai 261 orang termasuk seorang wanita yang berumur 34 tahun. Doktor Mu’awiyah Husnain berkata “termasuk yang syahid setakat ini ialah seorang wanita yang bernama Karimah Zuhair Abu Dallal, ibu kepada lima orang anak”. Penyakit yang dihidapinya sepatutnya dapat dirawat di hospital luar Gaza. Akan tetapi dek kepungan ini beliau tidak dibenarkan untuk mendapatkan rawatan sehinggalah beliau mati.

4) Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin menyatakan bahawa hospital terbesar yang terdapat di Gaza berhadapan dengan masalah kehabisan gas memasak, keadaan ini amat menyukarkan kerana mereka sepatutnya menyediakan hampir 1500 makanan setiap hari kepada para pesakit. Lebih menyulitkan keadaan apabila gas yang sama sepatutnya digunakan juga untuk proses pengeringan tuala dalam proses pembedahan. Oleh yang demikian kementerian tersebut menyeru Negara Arab dan Islam menyuarakan isu ini ke peringkat antarabangsa. (Nota: Penduduk Negara-negara Arab keseluruhannya berjumlah 300 juta, sedangkan jumlah penduduk Yahudi Israel cuma 5 juta orang! Apakah kerajaan-kerajaan Arab dan Islam sekadar memerhati dengan tega tanpa sepicing rasa belas?!).

5) Lebih memalukan umat Islam apabila sebuah akhbar berbahasa Arab bertarikh 20 November 2008 telah melaporkan Majlis Kesatuan Ekonomi Arab di bawah Liga Arab membelanjakan 50 juta dolar untuk projek membela penyu laut, sedang umat Islam di Gaza dikepung dan dihimpit kesusahan serta penderitaan, mereka sibuk dengan projek yang tidak menguntungkan ini. Muhammad Abdul Fudhail Syusyah, Gabenor Timur Sina menyifatkan “inilah projek pertama yang sepertinya di Mesir”. Adakah penyu laut lebih berharga daripada nyawa saudara mereka di Gaza?

6) Akibat daripada kepungan ini, bekalan makanan juga semakin berkurangan. Satu laporan menyebut bahawa mereka yang menduduki Gaza kini terpaksa mengambil tepung yang pada asalnya adalah dijadikan makanan kepada burung-burung, kini ianya dijadikan makanan kepada sebahagian penduduk Gaza yang kekurangan bekalan.

7) Bantuan daripada luar juga tidak dibenarkan masuk untuk disalurkan kepada masyarakat dan penduduk Gaza.

8.) Bekalan elektrik juga terputus akibat daripada kepungan ini, bermakna mereka kini berada dalam keadaan bergelap pada waktu malam.

Sila baca juga temuramah bersama Ustaz Maszlee Malek berhubung serangan terbaru rejim Zionis gi Semenanjung Gaza di pautan berikut:

Entri-entri MuhtarSuhaili.Com sebelum ini:

Bacaan lanjutan sebagai peningkat nyala rasa:

1. Laman Yahudi Pro Palestin: http://ifamericansknew.org/
2. Laman Info Palestinkini: http://www.palestinkini.info/
3. Laman Aman Palestin: http://www.amanpalestin.com/
4. Ucapan Dr. Khalil al Haya: Pesanan Buat Umat Islam di Malaysia
5. Fikrah Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil: Palestin: Antara Ilusi dan Realiti
6. Fikrah Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil: Palestin Dan Orientalisma
7. Motivasi Mutiara Dr. Danial Zainal ‘Abidin: Untukmu Palestin

Justeru itu, pihak Aman Palestin menyeru rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin agar memainkan peranan positif dalam membantu saudara mereka yang sangat memerlukan pada masa ini. 

Sumbangan ke akaun Aman Palestin Berhad:
Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd :: 12029010047880
Maybank Malaysia Bhd :: 562263010787

Wallahu a’la wa a’lam.

Derita Gaza, Palestin: Adakah Terasa Di Hatimu?

Derita Gaza, Palestin: Adakah Terasa Di Hatimu?

Bumi Palestin Yang Dijajah
“The Reality: Palestinian Loss of Land 1946 to 2000!”

Masihkah mendenyuti jantung hati
Masihkah mengaliri urat nadi
Masihkah membasahi minda aqli
Masihkah menghembusi nafas lahiri
Masihkah menghempasi ombak sanubari
Masihkah menderasi tasik rohani
Masihkah menusuki rasa naluri
Masihkah menyusupi rongga jasadi
Masihkah mengobori roh jihadi
Masihkah dijiwai ummah insani?

Masihkah di hati…?

Hannover, Jerman
5 Jun 2004, 1.43pm.


Gaza berhadapan dengan jenayah kemanusiaan! Itulah hakikat yang tidak dapat disangkal oleh sesiapapun kini.  Hakikatnya:

1) Sumber-sumber rejim Zionis melaporkan pada hari Selasa, 30 Disember 2008 bahawa tentera rejim Zionis telah menculik sekurang-kurangnya 200 lelaki muda penduduk Palestin daripada beberapa bahagian bandaraya Baitul Muqaddis sepanjang tempoh masa empat hari serangan bermula Sabtu, 28 Disember 2008 lalu yang telah membunuh lebih 363 rakyat Palestin dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari hari ke hari!.  Sumber berita dan info-info terkini, sila layari: http://www.palestinkini.info 

[I thought you might be interested in If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. You can fully view it at, http://ifamericansknew.org/. Israel is the real terrorist!]

Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah
Kanak-kanak Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah  
“Rakyat Palestin a.k.a. Mangsa Rejim Zionis Laknatullah!”

2) Umat Islam Palestin di Gaza khususnya yang ditimpa penyakit kronik tidak dapat keluar daripada Gaza bagi mendapatkan rawatan kerana larangan daripada pihak Israel.

3) Sumber kesihatan Palestin mengesahkan angka bilangan kematian yang tercatat sepanjang kepungan yang dibuat oleh Israel (nota: sebelum serangan dilakukan) seramai 261 orang termasuk seorang wanita yang berumur 34 tahun. Doktor Mu’awiyah Husnain berkata “termasuk yang syahid setakat ini ialah seorang wanita yang bernama Karimah Zuhair Abu Dallal, ibu kepada lima orang anak”. Penyakit yang dihidapinya sepatutnya dapat dirawat di hospital luar Gaza. Akan tetapi dek kepungan ini beliau tidak dibenarkan untuk mendapatkan rawatan sehinggalah beliau mati.

4) Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin menyatakan bahawa hospital terbesar yang terdapat di Gaza berhadapan dengan masalah kehabisan gas memasak, keadaan ini amat menyukarkan kerana mereka sepatutnya menyediakan hampir 1500 makanan setiap hari kepada para pesakit. Lebih menyulitkan keadaan apabila gas yang sama sepatutnya digunakan juga untuk proses pengeringan tuala dalam proses pembedahan. Oleh yang demikian kementerian tersebut menyeru Negara Arab dan Islam menyuarakan isu ini ke peringkat antarabangsa. (Nota: Penduduk Negara-negara Arab keseluruhannya berjumlah 300 juta, sedangkan jumlah penduduk Yahudi Israel cuma 5 juta orang! Apakah kerajaan-kerajaan Arab dan Islam sekadar memerhati dengan tega tanpa sepicing rasa belas?!).

5) Lebih memalukan umat Islam apabila sebuah akhbar berbahasa Arab bertarikh 20 November 2008 telah melaporkan Majlis Kesatuan Ekonomi Arab di bawah Liga Arab membelanjakan 50 juta dolar untuk projek membela penyu laut, sedang umat Islam di Gaza dikepung dan dihimpit kesusahan serta penderitaan, mereka sibuk dengan projek yang tidak menguntungkan ini. Muhammad Abdul Fudhail Syusyah, Gabenor Timur Sina menyifatkan “inilah projek pertama yang sepertinya di Mesir”. Adakah penyu laut lebih berharga daripada nyawa saudara mereka di Gaza?

6) Akibat daripada kepungan ini, bekalan makanan juga semakin berkurangan. Satu laporan menyebut bahawa mereka yang menduduki Gaza kini terpaksa mengambil tepung yang pada asalnya adalah dijadikan makanan kepada burung-burung, kini ianya dijadikan makanan kepada sebahagian penduduk Gaza yang kekurangan bekalan.

7) Bantuan daripada luar juga tidak dibenarkan masuk untuk disalurkan kepada masyarakat dan penduduk Gaza.

8.) Bekalan elektrik juga terputus akibat daripada kepungan ini, bermakna mereka kini berada dalam keadaan bergelap pada waktu malam.

Sila baca juga temuramah bersama Ustaz Maszlee Malek berhubung serangan terbaru rejim Zionis gi Semenanjung Gaza di pautan berikut:

Entri-entri MuhtarSuhaili.Com sebelum ini:

Bacaan lanjutan sebagai peningkat nyala rasa:

1. Laman Yahudi Pro Palestin: http://ifamericansknew.org/
2. Laman Info Palestinkini: http://www.palestinkini.info/
3. Laman Aman Palestin: http://www.amanpalestin.com/
4. Ucapan Dr. Khalil al Haya: Pesanan Buat Umat Islam di Malaysia
5. Fikrah Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil: Palestin: Antara Ilusi dan Realiti
6. Fikrah Ustaz Hasrizal Abdul Jamil: Palestin Dan Orientalisma
7. Motivasi Mutiara Dr. Danial Zainal ‘Abidin: Untukmu Palestin

Justeru itu, pihak Aman Palestin menyeru rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin agar memainkan peranan positif dalam membantu saudara mereka yang sangat memerlukan pada masa ini. 

Sumbangan ke akaun Aman Palestin Berhad:
Bank Islam Malaysia Bhd :: 12029010047880
Maybank Malaysia Bhd :: 562263010787

Wallahu a’la wa a’lam.

Adakah Penawar Untuk Gaza – Ria Darwina

Adakah Penawar Untuk Gaza – Ria Darwina



Ketika dunia lain diulit tiduran yang nyenyak
dihiburkan dengan hilaian ketawa suka suara kanak-kanak
senyum bersama pelukan ayah dan ibu yang begitu mesra
penuh dengan kasih sayang…
tidak di Gaza
tidak di Gaza
anak-kanak kecil terlepas dari pelukan
menutup mata dengan daging berkecai
wajah-wajah berlumuran darah
diselimuti kain cadar putih dibelit hujung kepala
tangisan tanpa henti
kezaliman meratah ke rongga isi perut dan rongga kepala
dimamah derita saban hari
adakah penawar bagi Gaza
untuk racun kekejaman ini…

~ Ria Darwina

A Lover's Complaint

FROM off a hill whose concave womb reworded
A plaintful story from a sistering vale,
My spirits to attend this double voice accorded,
And down I laid to list the sad-tuned tale;
Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale,
Tearing of papers, breaking rings a-twain,
Storming her world with sorrow's wind and rain.
Upon her head a platted hive of straw,
Which fortified her visage from the sun,
Whereon the thought might think sometime it saw
The carcass of beauty spent and done:
Time had not scythed all that youth begun,
Nor youth all quit; but, spite of heaven's fell rage,
Some beauty peep'd through lattice of sear'd age.
Oft did she heave her napkin to her eyne,
Which on it had conceited characters,
Laundering the silken figures in the brine
That season'd woe had pelleted in tears,
And often reading what contents it bears;
As often shrieking undistinguish'd woe,
In clamours of all size, both high and low.
Sometimes her levell'd eyes their carriage ride,
As they did battery to the spheres intend;
Sometime diverted their poor balls are tied
To the orbed earth; sometimes they do extend
Their view right on; anon their gazes lend
To every place at once, and, nowhere fix'd,
The mind and sight distractedly commix'd.
Her hair, nor loose nor tied in formal plat,
Proclaim'd in her a careless hand of pride
For some, untuck'd, descended her sheaved hat,
Hanging her pale and pined cheek beside;
Some in her threaden fillet still did bide,
And true to bondage would not break from thence,
Though slackly braided in loose negligence.
A thousand favours from a maund she drew
Of amber, crystal, and of beaded jet,
Which one by one she in a river threw,
Upon whose weeping margent she was set;
Like usury, applying wet to wet,
Or monarch's hands that let not bounty fall
Where want cries some, but where excess begs all.
Of folded schedules had she many a one,
Which she perused, sigh'd, tore, and gave the flood;
Crack'd many a ring of posied gold and bone
Bidding them find their sepulchres in mud;
Found yet moe letters sadly penn'd in blood,
With sleided silk feat and affectedly
Enswathed, and seal'd to curious secrecy.
These often bathed she in her fluxive eyes,
And often kiss'd, and often 'gan to tear:
Cried 'O false blood, thou register of lies,
What unapproved witness dost thou bear!
Ink would have seem'd more black and damned here!'
This said, in top of rage the lines she rents,
Big discontent so breaking their contents.
A reverend man that grazed his cattle nigh--
Sometime a blusterer, that the ruffle knew
Of court, of city, and had let go by
The swiftest hours, observed as they flew--
Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew,
And, privileged by age, desires to know
In brief the grounds and motives of her woe.
So slides he down upon his grained bat,
And comely-distant sits he by her side;
When he again desires her, being sat,
Her grievance with his hearing to divide:
If that from him there may be aught applied
Which may her suffering ecstasy assuage,
'Tis promised in the charity of age.
'Father,' she says, 'though in me you behold
The injury of many a blasting hour,
Let it not tell your judgment I am old;
Not age, but sorrow, over me hath power:
I might as yet have been a spreading flower,
Fresh to myself, If I had self-applied
Love to myself and to no love beside.
'But, woe is me! too early I attended
A youthful suit--it was to gain my grace--
Of one by nature's outwards so commended,
That maidens' eyes stuck over all his face:
Love lack'd a dwelling, and made him her place;
And when in his fair parts she did abide,
She was new lodged and newly deified.
'His browny locks did hang in crooked curls;
And every light occasion of the wind
Upon his lips their silken parcels hurls.
What's sweet to do, to do will aptly find:
Each eye that saw him did enchant the mind,
For on his visage was in little drawn
What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn.
'Small show of man was yet upon his chin;
His phoenix down began but to appear
Like unshorn velvet on that termless skin
Whose bare out-bragg'd the web it seem'd to wear:
Yet show'd his visage by that cost more dear;
And nice affections wavering stood in doubt
If best were as it was, or best without.
'His qualities were beauteous as his form,
For maiden-tongued he was, and thereof free;
Yet, if men moved him, was he such a storm
As oft 'twixt May and April is to see,
When winds breathe sweet, untidy though they be.
His rudeness so with his authorized youth
Did livery falseness in a pride of truth.
'Well could he ride, and often men would say
'That horse his mettle from his rider takes:
Proud of subjection, noble by the sway,
What rounds, what bounds, what course, what stop
he makes!'
And controversy hence a question takes,
Whether the horse by him became his deed,
Or he his manage by the well-doing steed.
'But quickly on this side the verdict went:
His real habitude gave life and grace
To appertainings and to ornament,
Accomplish'd in himself, not in his case:
All aids, themselves made fairer by their place,
Came for additions; yet their purposed trim
Pieced not his grace, but were all graced by him.
'So on the tip of his subduing tongue
All kinds of arguments and question deep,
All replication prompt, and reason strong,
For his advantage still did wake and sleep:
To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep,
He had the dialect and different skill,
Catching all passions in his craft of will:
'That he did in the general bosom reign
Of young, of old; and sexes both enchanted,
To dwell with him in thoughts, or to remain
In personal duty, following where he haunted:
Consents bewitch'd, ere he desire, have granted;
And dialogued for him what he would say,
Ask'd their own wills, and made their wills obey.
'Many there were that did his picture get,
To serve their eyes, and in it put their mind;
Like fools that in th' imagination set
The goodly objects which abroad they find
Of lands and mansions, theirs in thought assign'd;
And labouring in moe pleasures to bestow them
Than the true gouty landlord which doth owe them:
'So many have, that never touch'd his hand,
Sweetly supposed them mistress of his heart.
My woeful self, that did in freedom stand,
And was my own fee-simple, not in part,
What with his art in youth, and youth in art,
Threw my affections in his charmed power,
Reserved the stalk and gave him all my flower.
'Yet did I not, as some my equals did,
Demand of him, nor being desired yielded;
Finding myself in honour so forbid,
With safest distance I mine honour shielded:
Experience for me many bulwarks builded
Of proofs new-bleeding, which remain'd the foil
Of this false jewel, and his amorous spoil.
'But, ah, who ever shunn'd by precedent
The destined ill she must herself assay?
Or forced examples, 'gainst her own content,
To put the by-past perils in her way?
Counsel may stop awhile what will not stay;
For when we rage, advice is often seen
By blunting us to make our wits more keen.
'Nor gives it satisfaction to our blood,
That we must curb it upon others' proof;
To be forbod the sweets that seem so good,
For fear of harms that preach in our behoof.
O appetite, from judgment stand aloof!
The one a palate hath that needs will taste,
Though Reason weep, and cry, 'It is thy last.'
'For further I could say 'This man's untrue,'
And knew the patterns of his foul beguiling;
Heard where his plants in others' orchards grew,
Saw how deceits were gilded in his smiling;
Knew vows were ever brokers to defiling;
Thought characters and words merely but art,
And bastards of his foul adulterate heart.
'And long upon these terms I held my city,
Till thus he gan besiege me: 'Gentle maid,
Have of my suffering youth some feeling pity,
And be not of my holy vows afraid:
That's to ye sworn to none was ever said;
For feasts of love I have been call'd unto,
Till now did ne'er invite, nor never woo.
''All my offences that abroad you see
Are errors of the blood, none of the mind;
Love made them not: with acture they may be,
Where neither party is nor true nor kind:
They sought their shame that so their shame did find;
And so much less of shame in me remains,
By how much of me their reproach contains.
''Among the many that mine eyes have seen,
Not one whose flame my heart so much as warm'd,
Or my affection put to the smallest teen,
Or any of my leisures ever charm'd:
Harm have I done to them, but ne'er was harm'd;
Kept hearts in liveries, but mine own was free,
And reign'd, commanding in his monarchy.
''Look here, what tributes wounded fancies sent me,
Of paled pearls and rubies red as blood;
Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me
Of grief and blushes, aptly understood
In bloodless white and the encrimson'd mood;
Effects of terror and dear modesty,
Encamp'd in hearts, but fighting outwardly.
''And, lo, behold these talents of their hair,
With twisted metal amorously impleach'd,
I have received from many a several fair,
Their kind acceptance weepingly beseech'd,
With the annexions of fair gems enrich'd,
And deep-brain'd sonnets that did amplify
Each stone's dear nature, worth, and quality.
''The diamond,--why, 'twas beautiful and hard,
Whereto his invised properties did tend;
The deep-green emerald, in whose fresh regard
Weak sights their sickly radiance do amend;
The heaven-hued sapphire and the opal blend
With objects manifold: each several stone,
With wit well blazon'd, smiled or made some moan.
''Lo, all these trophies of affections hot,
Of pensived and subdued desires the tender,
Nature hath charged me that I hoard them not,
But yield them up where I myself must render,
That is, to you, my origin and ender;
For these, of force, must your oblations be,
Since I their altar, you enpatron me.
''O, then, advance of yours that phraseless hand,
Whose white weighs down the airy scale of praise;
Take all these similes to your own command,
Hallow'd with sighs that burning lungs did raise;
What me your minister, for you obeys,
Works under you; and to your audit comes
Their distract parcels in combined sums.
''Lo, this device was sent me from a nun,
Or sister sanctified, of holiest note;
Which late her noble suit in court did shun,
Whose rarest havings made the blossoms dote;
For she was sought by spirits of richest coat,
But kept cold distance, and did thence remove,
To spend her living in eternal love.
''But, O my sweet, what labour is't to leave
The thing we have not, mastering what not strives,
Playing the place which did no form receive,
Playing patient sports in unconstrained gyves?
She that her fame so to herself contrives,
The scars of battle 'scapeth by the flight,
And makes her absence valiant, not her might.
''O, pardon me, in that my boast is true:
The accident which brought me to her eye
Upon the moment did her force subdue,
And now she would the caged cloister fly:
Religious love put out Religion's eye:
Not to be tempted, would she be immured,
And now, to tempt, all liberty procured.
''How mighty then you are, O, hear me tell!
The broken bosoms that to me belong
Have emptied all their fountains in my well,
And mine I pour your ocean all among:
I strong o'er them, and you o'er me being strong,
Must for your victory us all congest,
As compound love to physic your cold breast.
''My parts had power to charm a sacred nun,
Who, disciplined, ay, dieted in grace,
Believed her eyes when they to assail begun,
All vows and consecrations giving place:
O most potential love! vow, bond, nor space,
In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine,
For thou art all, and all things else are thine.
''When thou impressest, what are precepts worth
Of stale example? When thou wilt inflame,
How coldly those impediments stand forth
Of wealth, of filial fear, law, kindred, fame!
Love's arms are peace, 'gainst rule, 'gainst sense,
'gainst shame,
And sweetens, in the suffering pangs it bears,
The aloes of all forces, shocks, and fears.
''Now all these hearts that do on mine depend,
Feeling it break, with bleeding groans they pine;
And supplicant their sighs to you extend,
To leave the battery that you make 'gainst mine,
Lending soft audience to my sweet design,
And credent soul to that strong-bonded oath
That shall prefer and undertake my troth.'
'This said, his watery eyes he did dismount,
Whose sights till then were levell'd on my face;
Each cheek a river running from a fount
With brinish current downward flow'd apace:
O, how the channel to the stream gave grace!
Who glazed with crystal gate the glowing roses
That flame through water which their hue encloses.
'O father, what a hell of witchcraft lies
In the small orb of one particular tear!
But with the inundation of the eyes
What rocky heart to water will not wear?
What breast so cold that is not warmed here?
O cleft effect! cold modesty, hot wrath,
Both fire from hence and chill extincture hath.
'For, lo, his passion, but an art of craft,
Even there resolved my reason into tears;
There my white stole of chastity I daff'd,
Shook off my sober guards and civil fears;
Appear to him, as he to me appears,
All melting; though our drops this difference bore,
His poison'd me, and mine did him restore.
'In him a plenitude of subtle matter,
Applied to cautels, all strange forms receives,
Of burning blushes, or of weeping water,
Or swooning paleness; and he takes and leaves,
In either's aptness, as it best deceives,
To blush at speeches rank to weep at woes,
Or to turn white and swoon at tragic shows.
'That not a heart which in his level came
Could 'scape the hail of his all-hurting aim,
Showing fair nature is both kind and tame;
And, veil'd in them, did win whom he would maim:
Against the thing he sought he would exclaim;
When he most burn'd in heart-wish'd luxury,
He preach'd pure maid, and praised cold chastity.
'Thus merely with the garment of a Grace
The naked and concealed fiend he cover'd;
That th' unexperient gave the tempter place,
Which like a cherubin above them hover'd.
Who, young and simple, would not be so lover'd?
Ay me! I fell; and yet do question make
What I should do again for such a sake.
'O, that infected moisture of his eye,
O, that false fire which in his cheek so glow'd,
O, that forced thunder from his heart did fly,
O, that sad breath his spongy lungs bestow'd,
O, all that borrow'd motion seeming owed,
Would yet again betray the fore-betray'd,
And new pervert a reconciled maid!'


Palestine: Eventually victorious..

scrawled by Angel Falasteen on t' date o' Day o' the Sun, Arrrrgust 22, 2010 roundabouts 7:04 in the evenin'
Israel launched an attack, many years ago
Attack after attack, thinking they have something to show
They proved nothing, nothing I say
And no one stood up to Israel as Palestinians do every single day
They fight like lions, throwing rocks as a start
And the only thing keeping them going is the willingness in their heart
Israel hiding behind tanks and guns
Each Israeli soldier fires a cowardly missile and runs
But Palestinians fight face to face with a tank
This is the truth, not just a made up prank
Palestine fought, all its living life
Every man lost either his children or wife
Israel kills every one whether alone or in a clan
They have killed thousands from child, to woman, to man
They say we want to kill the resistance
Not children and they said none
2 weeks later
They killed over four hundred and one
They killed over 800 Palestinians
Children, women and men
This happended in only 2 weeks
And they carry on killing because they know they can
Palestine is resisting, and that's how they have been labeled
Israel killing everybody or leaving them disfigured and disabled
When will it end?
And when will Palestinian victory come
When will Arabs and the world wake up
And stop the war that has come
Israel cannot be trusted
As THEY made a three hour truce
Palestine accepted
And thought that it was the truth
The whole world saw saw the truce, and just as 15 minutes passed
Israel fired three missiles really quick and really fast
When Israel is taunted and told to fight face to face
They bring the whole army, tanks, and cannons and then erase every single trace
When will Palestine Win?
And when will the world see
That the day the world joins together
Will be the day they help set Palestine free! ! !

Palestine is yours and mine..

scrawled by Angel Falasteen on t' date o' Tew's Day, Jul-aye! 13, 2010 roundabouts 7:43 in the evenin'
Mother, Don’t Cry
Mother, dry your tears
Mother, don’t cry for me
Mother, melt your fears
Mother, now my soul is free
Mother, I’m a martyr
Against enemies I was a Fighter
Mother, our souls never live apart
Then Mother, please un-break your Heart
Mother, I hear your beats, I feel your sorrow
Mother, in the Heaven we’ll meet tomorrow
Mother, don’t hesitate
to let my brothers resist to exist,
to survive and to make Jerusalem alive…
Mother, don’t hesitate
to let them struggle for Palestine
to let them fight for the sake of ALLAH
Don’t worry Mother, soon the sun will send the shine
Truly, Palestine is yours and mine…
Palestine is yours and mine…

It's not oppression...

scrawled by Angel Falasteen on t' date o' Satarrrday, Octobarrr 2, 2010 roundabouts 1:02 in the mornin'
You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride,
My body's not for your eyes to hold,...
You must speak to my mind,
not my feminine mold,
I'm an individual,
I'm no mans slave,

It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave,
I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,
" O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,......
It's a Law from God that I obey,
Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got,
It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper,
the right to grow,
I can climb mountains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees,
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY,
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me!

I am Palestine

scrawled by Angel Falasteen on t' date o' Tharrrsdy, Arrrrgust 19, 2010 roundabouts 6:53 in the evenin'
I am Palestine
I'm not a painting where you can change my colour
Nor a book where you can swap me for another
Or change my name to suit the face
Or change the character or the place
Nor change the position given to me by Allah
Or use a legalisation to make me bleed even further
And build walls to corner
The children of Palestine
I'm with a name, a home, a way of life
And what I want is you take a skin dive
And see the ocean of blood that flows through me
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers who would've still be alive
If you had the courage to save me,
I am Palestine
What you care what the media says about me
They cannot change, paint or corrupt my true identity
It cannot be erased or imprisoned in politicians love for money
It cannot be hidden by corrupt leaders who don't hear me
Nor those who use me to create some superficial destiny
I am Palestine
Tanks may roar, planes and missile poison the sky
Thousands to millions may die
And still you, O Ummah, you lie
Living, speaking my name and cry
When I want action
I am Palestine
Do something, write, march, shout, reply
For the tears of my children pain me deeply when they cry
I wish I could hold them like eagles that fly
Carry them to a place so safe instead of hearing them cry, 'why, '
A billion strong can shine through
O Ummah! What is wrong with you? !
I am Palestine


scrawled by Hizb Addeen on t' date o' Day o' the Moon, Octobarrr 25, 2010 roundabouts 6:32 in the evenin'
Njar Al-rahim 23 October at 16:38

Usah kau lalaikan diri ku ,

Dengan ayat-ayat cinta palsumu,

Bukan kau sekadar merosakkan dirimu,

Ketahuilah dirimu wahai syabab,

kau juga merosakkan bangsamu,

kerana kejatuhan sesuatu bangsa itu ,

tergantung pada jatuhnya maruah wanita mereka,

bermula pada dirimu,

jika kau gagal mengendalikan nafsumu,

kerana mudah terpesona dengan keindahan ,

yang hakikatnya adalah palsu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

jika kau merasa lemah,

tika bayangan kami berlalu,

yang melintas pada mindamu,

engkau telah tertipu,

muda kami kan berlalu,

keayuan kami kan pudar,

seiring waktu,

tegas pada dirimu,

kau harus tundukkan pandanganmu,

agar tidak kau turut kan nafsumu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

ada diantara kami sengaja melalaikanmu,

melalui pakaian tertentu,

tanpa punya rasa malu,

tegas kan pada dirimu,

engkau pemuda islam sejati,

tunjukkan kegagahanmu,

melawan hawa nafsu,

bukan melalui kudratmu,

jika tidak kau akan tertipu,

ketahui lah wahai syabab,

kau harus bertegas pada dirimu,

menjaga kesucianmu,

hanya buat wanita yang halal padamu,

jika kau ingin kami juga berbuat begitu,

kerana janji Allah tidak menipu,

lelaki yang baik untuk wanita yang baik,

bukankah berkali-kali kau diberi peringatan untuk itu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

jika kau punya niat ,

wanita bemaruah untuk dijadikan isterimu,

jagalah jua maruahmu,

kerana itu ,

selagi kami tidak halal buatmu,

usah kau biasakan lidahmu,

menjaja ayat cintamu yang penuh palsu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

pujuk rayu mu kan mejadi saksi,

pada hari kebangkitan nanti,

dan itu sudah pasti,

pada apa yang pernah kau taburi,

hinggakan ramai gadis dikhianati,

anak luar nikah itu dibenci,

gara-gara perbuatanmu,

dan pasanganmu yang mengkhianati,

pada ikatan suami isteri yang selayaknya kalian miliki,

sebelum kalian berlagak suami isteri,

kerana kalian tidak mematuhi,

larangan zina itu sendiri,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

ku tari kan pena ini ,

mengingatkan diriku sendiri,

juga untuk kalian hayati,

agar kalian tidak lalai berulang kali,

ketika kalian berhadapan dengan kami,

bukan mengatakan kalian salah sepenuhnya,

Cuma peringatan agar kalian bangkit kembali,

Menjadi pejuang agama sejati,

Dari terus dilalaikan diantara kami,

Jika kau merasa lemah ,

Apatah kami,

Kerana kau imam ,

Dan kami makmum mu,

Jika salah hala tujumu,

Kami juga begitu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

kami miliki kudrat yang lemah,

namun gengaman kami tidak lemah,

jika buayan mampu kami goncang,

dunia juga mampu kami gegar,

apatah Cuma dirimu,

lihat sejarah lalu,

ramai pemimpin dari kaummu,

tewas ditangan kami,

kerana kegagalan kalian menahan nafsu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

jika kau merasa megah,

menghulurkan cintamu,

tanpa ikatan halal,

dan ada diantara kami menyambut cinta palsumu,

lantas tanpa ikatan halal itu,

kau megah membawa diantara kami yang hanyut dengan cintamu,

ke sana, sini juga kesitu,

ternyata sebenarnya engkau merendahkan dirimu,

kerana lebih banyak dikalangan kami yang merosakkan mu,

dari diri kaummu yang merosakkan kami,

hanya kerana kelalaianmu,

sedarkan dirimu,

ketahuilah wahai syabab,

selagi kau serius dengan agama mu,

insyaAllah ,

setelah sah ikatan halal itu,

kami berusaha untuk taat padamu,

bukan kerana menjunjung cintamu,

tapi kerana cinta,

pada Dia yang Maha Satu,


scrawled by Syedjeme Syed Alwi on t' date o' Day o' the Sun, Octobarrr 31, 2010 roundabouts 11:33 in the mornin'
Jak pagi lagi ambo reydi
Baju meroh gosok semale lagi
Tigo kali final doh ambo gi
Harak tahun ni la hok jadi

Masuk stadium awa parok
Tok se doh ambo duduk besesok
Pakak masuk la TRW berarok
Chok tepak hok comey nok tengok

Puah kakloh nok tunggu game
Nasib baik ado rama geng
Capur pulok nga sek2 hok jeng
Hile letih sakni sumbak dale jem

Main semeta keno doh penalti
Buleh la sebute ko sek dio sumbak
Senyak tipah lah sebute negeri
Perah dale hari tok leh nok royak

“Main molek la sek kito!!!”
Jerik saing sebeloh ambo
Habih first half tok leh nok kato apo
Harap2 lepah ni sek kito gomo

Wala main tok abih lagi
Dok tebaye keno mapuh pulok pah ni
Bakpo final gak sek kito lagu ni
Detik hati final pulok malah doh nok gi

Set keduo main koho sedak
Akhirnyo buleh sek kito sumbak
Duo butey gol keramak
Nopak jerik tok kaba ingak

Gol kito lawa2 seghoti
Gol anok jate sejati
Bukey gol harap ko penalti
Buleh kelik la sek2 nogori

Lagu ni wei raso jadi juaro
Ake ambo ingak sapa bilo-bilo
Anok cucu ake ambo cerito
Ambo ado maso sejaroh kelate dicipto

Sek2 lain jange dok deki
Kalu nga kelate rama tok puah hati
Kali ni kito doh terbukti
Bola kelate di puncok tertinggi

Teruske main lagu ni sokmo
Barulah “gomo kelate gomo”
Bia stadium kito begemo
Hok ni hadioh utok sulte baru kito

Pahni pakak la berarok di KB
tapi ambo tokleh nok gi
wak guano dok di KL cari rezeki
ambo tgk la kok dale tibi

tahniah kepado pasuke negeri
kepado pemain, jurulatih dan semo sekali
harap buleh stadium baru hok besar lagi
sek kito koho kemah kemi

Sufi Road: Rumi Poem - "Menangislah.."

scrawled by SUFI ROAD on t' date o' Windsday, Septembarrr 22, 2010 roundabouts 5:35 in the evenin'
Karena tangisan awan, taman pun tersenyum
Karena tangisan bayi, air susu pun mengalir

Pada suatu hari ketika bayi tahu cara, ia berkata
“Aku akan menangis agar perawat penyayang tiba”

Tidakkah kamu tahu bahwa Sang Perawat Agung
Tidak akan berikan susu jika kamu tidak meraung

Tuhan berfirman, “Menangislah sebanyak-banyaknya”
Dengarkan, anugerah Tuhan kan curahkan air susunya

Tangisan awan dan panas mentari
Adalah tiang dunia, rajutlah keduanya

Jika tak ada panas mentari dan tangisan awan
Mana mungkin bakal kembang semua badan

Mana mungkin musim silih berganti
Jika kemilau dan tangis ini berhenti

Mentari yang membakar dan awan yang menangis
Itulah yamg membuat dunia segar dan manis

Biarkan matahari kecerdasanmu terus-menerus terbakar
Biarkan matamu, seperti awan, kemilau karena airmata yang keluar

Menangislah seperti rengekan anak kecil, jangan makan rotimu
karena roti jasmanimu akan mengeringkan air ruhanimu

Ketika tubuhmu rimbun dengan dedaunan yang subur
Siang malam batang rohmu melepaskannya seperti musim gugur

Kerimbunan tubuhmu adalah kerontangan rohmu
Segeralah, jatuhkan tubuhmu, tumbuhkan rohmu!

Pinjami Tuhan, pinjamkan kerimbunan tubuhmu
Tukarkan dengan taman yang merkah dalam jiwamu

Berikan pinjaman, kurangi makanan badanmu
Biar tampaklah muka yang dulu tak terlihat matamu

Ketika badan mengeluarkan semua kotoran keji
Tuhan mengisinya dengan mutiara dan kesturi

Orang itu telah menukar kotoran dengan kesucian
Dari “Dia sucikan kamu” ia peroleh kenikmatan

dari buku Matsnawi, Buku Kelima 65-149

Mereka Entah Layu Atau Yang Unggul (M.E.L.A.Y.U)

scrawled by Khairunnisa Zaki on t' date o' Day o' the Sun, Octobarrr 24, 2010 roundabouts 6:26 in the evenin'
Melayu yang aku pernah kenal...

Tinggi adabnya...
Kuat adatnya...
Jujur katanya...
Molek bicaranya...

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Malunya tidak terperi...
Banyak pantang itu dan ini...
Menjaga sebaik2nya maruah diri...
Tidak menconteng arang ke muka sendiri...

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Tidak bertempik memaki-maki...
Tidak berhujah bagai nak mati...
Tidak saling salah menyalahi...
Tidak berbunuh sesama sendiri...

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Punya agama yang dipandang tinggi...
Mengikut suruhan tanpa soal itu dan ini...
Tugas dipenuhi penuh ikhlas di hati...
Tidak berdalih walaupun sekali....

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Mendidik si anak berpaksikan akar umbi...
Tidak berkiblatkan John ataupun Jenny...
Mahu si anak  menjadi Melayu sejati...
Menjadi Melayu maju yang disegani...

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Suka membantu dan memberi...
Tidak sombong dan ramah didekati...
Mengambil berat selain susah sendiri...
Tidak mengharap balasan di kemudian hari....

Melayu yang pernah aku kenal...

Melayu tidak mempersoalkan..
Bangsa mana yang kaya...
Bangsa mana yang hebat...
Tidak pernah menyekat jauh mana bangsa itu mahu mewah...
Tidak pernah halang jauh mana bangsa itu mahu maju...
Walaupun  bangsa-bangsa ini bertempik hak itu dilupuskan...
Walaupun bangsa-bangsa ini melaungkan mahu sama rata...

Sesungguhnya Melayu berhati mulia...
Telah terbiasa menolong yg susah...
Cuma mereka yang terlupa diri...
Mereka punya hak di tanah berdaulat ini...
Telah diberi dan dikasihani...
Jangan dipertikai hak yang satu ini...
Melayu sudah cukup bertoleransi...

Melayu yang aku kenal kini...

Ada yang bagus..ada yang hancur...
Bagus otaknya... hancur adabnya...
Bagus pencapaiannya...hancur pegangannya...
Bagus agamanya....hancur tatasusilanya...
Bagus milikannya... hancur warisnya...

Melayu yang aku kenal kini...

Saling kejar - mengejar sesama mereka...
Kejar harta...kejar rupa...
Kejar pangkat...kejar kuasa...
Kalau tidak dapat...tidak mengapa...
Dibunuh..dipijak..habis binasa...

Melayu yang aku kenal kini....

Makin banyak yang dikendong, makin banyak yang cicir...
Maju di sana...mundur di sini...
Kaya di sana...miskin di sini...
Tapi Melayu selalu fikir begini...
Aku dah dapat...apa aku peduli?

Melayu yang aku kenal kini...

Banyak yang lalai daripada yang ingat...
Bagaimana bangsanya dahulu memerah keringat...
Menggadai tenaga dan harta setiap saat...
Dari Kuala Lumpur hingga ke London mereka bermesyuarat...
Meyakinkan si Tuan Tanah Melayu bisa hebat...

Termeterai sudah 1 perjanjian...
Antara si Kebanyakan dengan si Tuan...
Berita ini bakal diisyhtiharkan...
Bekalan buat anak cucu di masa hadapan...

Melayu yang aku kenal kini....

Melayu yang perlu berubah...
Melayu yang perlu tahu ini semua bukan TUAH...
Melayu kini perlu bersatu...Sebagaimana yang terdahulu...
Bersatu dan berpadu...bagai isi dan kuku...
Bukan untuk agenda..melancarkan sesuatu...
Persiapkan dirimu wahai Melayu...
Melayu ini mungkin aku..mungkin kamu...
Mungkin dia atau siapa sahaja....
Melayu perlu bangkit dan merasa sakit...
Sakit menerima kenyataan..yang kita makin SEMPIT...

Nisa Zack

Venue : My Room..
Date : 241010
Time : 6.30 pm...

A Touching Poem

scrawled by Menang Atau Syahid Ainulmardhiah on t' date o' Fry'day, Octobarrr 15, 2010 roundabouts 1:45 in the evenin'
Here I sit with a pitiful frown,
then I realize I can't let life bring me down.
I must think positive, and must be strong.
For every night there is a wrong.
I'm only human and we all make mistakes.
I'll get back on my feet and I'll do what it takes
to prove the world a point.
It surely takes a lot, but I'll do what I have to do
whether they believe me or not.
I'll do what I feel is right,
and make them see
that it's best to make my own decisions
as long as it pleases me.
I feel free,
its about time!
Now I know to always keep a clear mind.
Life is a reward to every heart.
That's the reason I should make a new start.
What would this world be like today,
if smiles weren't made
and frowns were here to stay?


scrawled by Al Ukhuwah Wal Ishlah on t' date o' Satarrrday, Octobarrr 16, 2010 roundabouts 4:22 in the mornin'
Langkah gontai menyusuri gelapnya malam
menapaki kenestapaan yang malang…..sebuah alur yang tak pernah ku dapat mengerti seluruhnya
menorehkan tanda tanya besar dalam hatiku….

Tercabik hati tersayat sembilu menahan katakelu tak terkira senyum tertahan oleh derita
sebuah keniscayaan terbantahkan fakta
betapa mereka tertawa menertawakan seseorang yang ingin mulia

ya kemuliaan itu memang sepertinya bukan milik setiap orang
bahkan keberuntungan itu hanya milik orang tertentu
tak pernah ku mengerti tentang apa yang mereka maksudkan
namun ku yakin Alah Maha Tahu sedangkan kita tidak pernah tahu

Jika Allah memang menakdirkan ku tetap hidup
tentu tidak akan membiarkan ku seorang diri
di alam raya yang luas ini
di hutan rimba yang ganas ini
di padang pasir yang tandus ini
di padang rumput yang hijau getir ini
di samudera yang membara oleh rasa
bersamaan hembusan angin yang membelai lembutku
yakin ada seseorang yang sedang menanti kedatanganku…..

Ya Allah kuserahkan diri ini hanya padaMuKu yakin Engkaulah satu-satunya yng menggenggam hati ini
Ku yakin Engkaulah telah menciptakanku dengan sempurna
sempurna segala sesuatunya,sehingga kua tak perlu lagi merasa was-was

Ya Allah temukanlah diriku dengan orang yang senantiasa mencintai
MumencintaMu dengan segenap jiwa dan raganyamencintaiMu dengan ikhlas
agar ku banyak belajar darinya tentang arti sebuah cinta

Ya Allah tunjukanlah aku jalan kebenaran
istiqomahkan dan jagalah diriku supaya tetap berada dalm jalan itu
dan pertemukanlah diriku dengan seseorang yang mencinta kebenaran
dan senatiasa berada dalam kebenaran atas petunjuk dan bimbinganMu
agar ku bisa belajar darinya tentang arti sebuah kebenaran

Ya Allah pertemukanlah aku dengan seseorang yang bisa menemani perjuanganku
menujuMu menuju JannahMu menuju ridhoMu………Amiin

Voice of the voiceless..

scrawled by Angel Falasteen on t' date o' Day o' the Sun, Jul-aye! 18, 2010 roundabouts 5:34 in the evenin'
Who am I? Who am I?
I am the voice of the voiceless
I am Gaza, I am West Bank, I am Palestine
I am Children of War
I am resistance
I am not afraid
I am occupied and I will resist.

Let it be known, Let it be known
As I walk through the valleys of the blood soaked land
I shall fear no evil
With a smile on my face, I shall lay down my life for the freedom
Of my people
Let it be known, Let it be known

I am the voice of the oppressed
No one can deny my right to resist
Occupied and under fire
Sixty years in the making, I’m a born survivor.
Conceived in the womb of Palestine
Fathered by the war
Raised in the rubbles, playing with blood and gore.
Imagine the life of a child of war
Imagine a mother, giving birth under fire
Imagine, imagine, imagine an expected mother running for cover.

Let be known, Let it be known
It is time to break the silence
How long will the world ignore sixty years of violence?
And crimes against humanity, genocide and the eventual inevitability.
It is time for an intifada, a revolution
People of the world it is time to unite
Against all aggression, occupation and oppression
How long will the world ignore my righteous indignation?

Let it be known, let it be known
As I walk through the valleys of the blood soaked land
I shall fear no evil
With a smile on my face, I shall lay down my life for the freedom
Of my people
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom
Cries the newborn.